Fain Environmental performed a geomorphic assessment of Dickerson Creek. Dickerson Creek is a natural stream that flows under the Navy’s railroad crossing. The goal of the project is to allow fish passage under the railroad. We measured channel cross-sections to be used for hydraulic modeling. At each cross-section, we evaluated stream scour and sediment grain size of a reference reach to inform the design of the new culvert. We then used GIS, survey data, and LiDAR data to develop a vertical profile and map of the creek. Next, the Fain team will provide guidance for large wood placement and other habitat features, like step pools and stream meanders.

Location: King County
WRIA 15: Kitsap
Owner: U.S. Navy
Year: 2022 to present
- Geomorphic Assessment
- Bankfull Width Analysis
- Hydraulic and Hydrologic Analysis
- Scour Analysis