Portfolio of Projects See a map of all our projects here. Cemetery Creek Pedestrian Bridge Replacement Fish Passage Design Projects in Whatcom County Skagit River Relicensing Gee Creek Natural Infrastructure Project Southwest and Olympic Fish Passage Culverts Projects Puget Sound Restoration Effectiveness and Habitat Assessment Temporary Stream Diversion for E. Smith Rd Pavement Rehabilitation Morganroth Springs Habitat Restoration Grays Pond Reconnection Design Seabeck Creek Culvert Replacement and Hite Road Large Wood Placement Port Gamble Geomorphic Assessment and Shoreline Management Study FLUPSY Wind Wave Analysis Lower Duwamish River Baseline Water Collection Aberdeen Sea Level Rise Study Bel Lago Pier: Analysis of Impact on Ecological Functions Mutiny Bay Geocoastal Report Lower Day Slough Culverts Replacement Westland Irrigation District Watershed Plan Kennedy Creek Floodplain and Estuary Functional Assessment Whitehorse Trail Channel Migration Zone Assessment Hobo Creek Culvert Replacement RM 36.09 Culvert Replacement Hermiston Irrigation District Watershed Plan I-5/SR 18/SR 161 Interchange Improvements Little Carey’s Stream and Wetland Restoration Brighton Creek Culvert Replacement