Fain Environmental provided data review related to the geomorphic and hydrologic effectiveness of three restoration sites in Puget Sound: Cornet Bay, Seahurst, and Weaverling Spit. We assisted in the preparation of three fact sheets and background summaries of the restoration actions, outcomes, costs, and challenges of these sites. Fain Environmental analysis was used in combination with an ecological evaluation completed by Natural Resources Consultants (NRC). The ecological evaluation included density or use by salmon, forage fish, and other wildlife, water quality improvement, vegetation recovery, and other ecosystem measures.

Location: Island, Skagit, and King County, Washington
WRIA 6, 9: Island, Duwamish – Green
Owner: Washington Department of Transportation
Year: 2021
- Geomorphic and Hydrologic Assessment
- Evaluated Restoration Effectiveness
- Climate Change Analysis