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Brighton Creek Culvert Replacement

The Fain Environmental team is designing an approximately 42 feet culvert to replace the existing 3-foot diameter culvert on Brighton Creek under Harts Lake Road South.  Due to the slope and existing morphology of the creek, a step-pool channel bed structure will be used to simulate the natural channel. Fain Environmental is designing the step-pool pattern and structure for fish passage, hydraulic diversity, and stability. Fain Environmental will determine the appropriate size material and location of step-pools.  Implementation of this project will facilitate fish passage upstream of Harts Lake Road South.

Brighton Creek Culvert Replacement
Brighton Creek Culvert Replacement

Location: Pierce County, Washington

WRIA 11: Nisqually

Owner: Pierce County

Year: 2022 to present


  • Culvert Replacement
  • Geomorphic Assessment
  • Large wood design