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Seabeck Creek Culvert Replacement Project and Hite Road Large Wood Placement

Fain Environmental developed a hydrologic and hydraulic 1-D HEC-RAS model for a proposed culvert replacement project. We performed a flood frequency analysis for Seabeck Creek. We analyzed six different proposed bridge design geometries, design flows, and grading scenarios. Fain Environmental identified locations for potential large wood in the vicinity of the proposed bridge and downstream of Hite Road in a zone of extreme erosion. The proposed bridge would allow for fish passage upstream of the existing culvert.

Seabeck Creek culvert replacement and Hite Road large wood placement. Seabeck, Washington.

Location: Seabeck, Washington

WRIA 15: Kitsap

Owner: Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group

Year: 2016-2018


  • Fish Passage Design
  • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling
  • Scour Analysis
  • Large Wood Design and Placement
  • Climate Change Analysis