Fain Environmental provided a hydraulic and hydrologic assessment of proposed bank stabilization along approximately 600 feet in the creek. The goal of the project is to improve conditions for salmon and trout, by installing large wood to improve fish habitat and help protect the trail from flooding. We updated a hydrologic and hydraulic 1-D Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) for existing and proposed scenarios. The design will include equal amounts of cut and fill, therefore, the water surface elevations and velocities due to the project will likely remain similar. Additionally, the proposed woody material will be placed in a manner that will reduce the likelihood of the wood being moved downstream during large flow events.
Location: Ridgefield, Washington
WRIA 25: Grays – Elochman
Owner: The Watershed Alliance
Year: 2021
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling
- Fish Passage Design
- Large Wood Inventory and Characterization