Principal Hydrologist & Geomorphologist
Annika Fain is a hydrologist, geomorphologist, and the president of Fain Environmental. She is a Certified Floodplain Manager and PE who has broad-based experience in ecosystem restoration, coastal geomorphology, watershed hydrology, floodplain management, and environmental outreach. She has over 18 years of experience managing and performing analyses of physical and geological processes throughout the watershed. For the past nine years, she has lead restoration events along the Duwamish River as a Puget Sound Steward with EarthCorps. She has participated in restoration events throughout the watershed for the past 30 years. Annika teaches students about oceanography through the Ocean Inquiry Program. She participates in the Girls on the Run program as a running buddy for elementary school girls. Annika is an avid runner, cyclist, swimmer, triathlete, and hiker.